Friday, July 31, 2009

The REAL Sandra Tuttle

Ok, well if I can get the ever Sandra to let me be long enough, I'll blog and fill you guys in on all the new juicy details. Shhh though, we won't tell her. ;)

So I'm sure many of you are wondering what the real Sandra is like. Its so hard to get to know someone via the Internet. Well I, as your trusty CoD, will happily fill you in. Sandra is definitely a unique person. Not only is she an awesome writer, as I'm sure you all know by now, but she's a very creative person all around. Which while that sounds like an awesome thing, and it is, its also a pain in the butt for anyone around her. lol See, Sandra is cursed. That's right, I said cursed. Poor woman was cursed from the moment she was born. Never to be happy with anything and to always nit pick things to death. I'm sure some of you are thinking "Well that's not so bad. What kind of curse could that really be?" Well I'm here to tell you she's forever stuck cursed with an evil demon named Virgo. *gasp* I know, horrible isn't it?

The evil Virgo is a demon that constantly plagues the cursed persons mind. Nothing is good enough. Nothing can ever be fine the way it is unless its absolutely perfect. And let me warn you now that "perfect" never comes. Day in and day out the horrid demon swims through the subconscious mind whispering doubts and negative comments. It plays upon your insecurities and makes you a bane to anyone who even attempts to help you with something creative. Most times it ends in said person throwing their hands up in the air and crying "I give up! Do it yourself!" Most of the times, but not always. Although lemme just warn you, don't ever offer to help Sandra with any sort of graphics, unless you fully intend on being hassled non stop until you just allow her to do it...or your a graphics genius. I kid, its not that bad...ok well it kinda is, but she won't eat your children if you do it wrong...I don't think.

Seriously though, while Sandra is a Virgo and has all those lovely Virgo traits, she's not unbearable. Is she picky? Oh good god yes. Is she a perfectionist? You bet. Is she a pain in the a, er butt sometimes? Well yeah, but who isn't. She is just a woman who knows what she wants (as far as writing goes) and knows how she sees it in her head. Sandra has a degree in film, which while that sounds like it makes writing easier, and I'm sure it helps, it also makes her much the dictator in her world. Everything is visually clear in her head. Props go here, actors there, and so on. Heaven help you if you move the megaphone where she can't find it.

But through all of this and all of her little idiosyncrasies, I honestly think it makes her a better writer. She sees things with such clarity at times that I'm surprised I don't leak jealously all over her. And I'm constantly amazed at the twist and turns her brain comes up with that ties so neatly into her plots. Making it seem as if she had planned it chapters ago, when in reality she only just thought of it. All in all, you just can't go wrong with Sandra Tuttle.

That's gonna be it for today peeps. We will delve into the inner psyche of Sandra another time, and probably in greater detail (sweat on that ST :p) but for today CoD is out.