Sunday, October 7, 2007

Just the gist

Ok, so whats the deal you ask? Who is this crazy Cheerleader Of Doom, what is Team Doom and who the heck is Sandra Tuttle?

Well, I'm so glad you asked, let me explain. I am the "crazy" Cheerleader Of Doom, most often known as CoD, and I'm the official cheerleader of Sandra Tuttle and fearless leader of Team Doom. Sandra Tuttle is a great new up and coming author, who's first book "Inevitable" is sure to be a bestseller and #1 on at least 3 top book lists. While I might be a smidgen bias, I guarantee it is indeed a really good read and well worth the cheering on of Team Doom. Team Doom is a collection of individuals from all walks of life that share one thing in common, we are all super huge Sandra fans. That should give you the basics of who we are and what certain terms mean, now, on to the purpose of this blog.

A while back I was perusing some of my favorite authors and came across several book review websites. Looking at all of these websites I was struck with awe, "what a great idea!" The only thing I didn't like, is they seemed to either be sticking to certain publishers, authors, new releases, or specific genre's. What about all the other books and authors out there? How is a person ever to discover a book they might love if its a few years old and not listed as "new" anymore? All of these things led me to say enough is enough and try my hand at this blogging thing. Here on "The Deadly Doom Digest" we are not only going to cover "new" books of note, but any darn book we feel like. We also have plans for doing special guest reviews and author interviews....and of course there might be the interesting weird news thrown in, just for fun. So hopefully this will bring to light some excellent books of interest that you might not know about, or perhaps already know and love but someone else will discover.

As a side note, this blog is most definitely a work in progress, so if you can think of anything you would like to see in future blogs that isn't already planned, drop a line and let me know. I welcome all comments and emails....unless your spam, in which case you will quickly be whisked off to the black void the delete button produces.

So until next time,
Doom On,