Friday, October 30, 2009

The Heart Of Rock & Roll - Music in the literary world

If everyone hasn't been able to tell by now, I love music. Hard core even, and I like to think that I have fairly eclectic tastes. Pretty obvious with all my blog titles, I know, but still. To try and keep this semi-writing related, I thought it would be fun if we discuss how music can help us, not only with the application of writing, but with character motivations as well.

I know several authors that listen to music as they write. How they do it, I'll never know, its way to distracting for me. For some reason though it really puts them "in the zone," so to speak. Looking to write a particular sexy scene? I hate to cliche out here but throw on some Barry White, Marvin Gaye, or even some R Kelly, from what I've heard they do a particularly good job of *ahem* setting the mood. At least for slow and sensual, for some good hard core, er faster stuff look towards bands like Buckcherry or Nickelback for inspiration.

Really all I'm saying is that music can be an extremely useful tool that a lot of people, myself included, don't really take advantage of when writing. Take a moment to really think about the actual songs the next time your jamin to your ipod, or whatever. Do they remind you of anything? Make you want to dance? Happy? Sad? You get the picture. Then take that music and try to harness it. Make it work for your benefit, maybe it'll help with that scene that's been giving you trouble, you never know.

Another thing to think about is character motivation. Maybe you'll find a song that just screams out to you that it was written solely for your character. Perhaps the song writer was channeling your own personal inner muse when working on a song. Now obviously what speaks to one person as a character song, is not going to speak to another. Just like art and beauty, its all relative. Whats important is the fact that it speaks to YOU about your character. If nothing else, its fun to think about.

A few examples of character songs, in my personal opinion of course:

In Anita Verse:
Jason - Animals by Nickelback
Damian - Something I can never have by NIN (all together now, "aww, poor damian")
Richard - Trust by Megadeth (personally though I would like to dedicate I Don't Care by Apocalyptica to him. lol)
JC - If I was your vampire by Marilyn Manson

In Sandra world:
Vidar - Angry Angel by Imogen Heap
Hati - Are you the Rabbit? by Marilyn Manson
Eiryk - Beautiful Tragedy by In This Moment

These are just a few examples though, I really could go on and on, and then of course there are songs that fit certain situations, books, series, etc. Music really does make the world go round. ;) If any of you have any character theme songs, either for your own characters or for other authors, I would love to hear them!

Until Next time,

Apocalyptica and Adam Gontier (Three Day's Grace) - I Don't Care


Sandra Tuttle said...

Damn! I realized I never commented on this. Don't I suck?

Great post and I LOVE LOVE LOVE theme songs... I must ask though... why only songs for the men?

You hussy you!

CoD said...

Woot to the hussy love. lol Seriously though I hear ya. But for various circumstances, chicks were not included. Sorry bout that. ;)


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

CoD said...

Aw, well thank you Anon. It's always nice to know that there are more than just Sandra and myself that read this blog, otherwise one could easily fall into the whole "whats the point?" line of thinking. ;) I appreciate you commenting immensely!