Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oz, great and terrible

What up my peeps! Today is a rather blah day, if ya know what I mean. I'm even gonna try my hardest not to mention, you know who. Don't want to drown you guys in her excellence...or her inner demons all the time ya know. So I'm just gonna chat a bit here and there about nothing too spectacular.

Eventually the blog is gonna get a make over. Yay! And I won't even need Ty Pennington to do it. Although I'll happily let him, and his crooked little goatee, come and help me plan it out. *wiggles eyebrows* Now nobody freak out, we're keeping it along the same lines. News (generally speaking and about she who shall not be named,) reviews (we've got some awesome ones in the works so stay tuned,) and like this post, whatever else we choose. And yeah that probably means more ramblings from yours truly.

If anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to drop me an email or a comment, whichever you prefer. Not guaranteeing I will follow through on your suggestion, but I will definitely take it into consideration. Also, by anyone I mean the general populace, not uber picky authors...ok well one author in particular. lol

Make sure and check back often and if your a tweety bird, swing by and look me up on twitter. I'm always looking to add new to the doom squad.

Until next time, Doom on!


Sandra Tuttle said...

Show off.

CoD said...

Speaking of which, where is your blog today oh OZ? lmao

CoD said...

I stand corrected! ST has accepted the blogging gauntlet I smacked her with and walloped me a good one in return. Check it out peeps!