The Victims

Sandra Tuttle |

Cheerleader Of Doom |
1. How old are you? |
28 |
21...for the 9th time. |
2. How tall are you? |
5'4 |
5'11 |
3. How long have you been reading Urban Fantasy or similar books? |
Strictly Urban Fantasy for 6 years, Fantasy and SciFi for about 20 years |
I've always had a love for things that go bump in the night, so in one form or another, all my life. |
4. Do you have a favorite author in this genre? |
I have a love/hate relationship with LKH |
What a hard question, there are so many but if I had to narrow it down I'd say Charlaine Harris. Her world is just more complete to me, and I love the viable reasoning behind why vamps are now out and about. |
5. What is your favorite supernatural class in a book? ex: vampire, werewolf, etc. |
Werewolves all the way! (or were-animals in general) |
Vamps, by far. Although I do enjoy a bad were every now and then. |
6. Any specific favorite supes? |
I'm sure my own are closest in my heart but I do like Jacob from the Twilight series. |
Many. Eric Northman, from Sookie-verse, and Damian from Anita's world...Its a pretty safe bet if you make a vamp a viking I'll go head over heels. Although I do like Requim as well, even with all his whining. |
7. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes on your supes? |
Blondes |
Give me the dark brooding type, so brunettes all the way! |
8. If you could, what fictional character would you want to have sex with? |
Valentine Michael Smith from Stranger in a Strangeland.
Hmm, I guess it would be Jean Claude then...for all his Machiavellian ways he's one sexy vamp. |
9. What is your favorite word? |
Highfalutin |
Horror...its just fun to say. |
10. What is your least favorite word? |
Anything that has ie or ei in it. I invariably have to retype them. |
Now...I absolutely loathe being told I will do something, and if you add now to it, its guarenteed to raise my hackles. |
11. If you could have written one book in history, what book would that be? |
The Stand. I had dreams very similar to the story as a child. It really resonated with me. |
Lord of the of my favorite books of all time. |
12. If you could have three (living) authors over for a beverage of your choice, whom would you choose? |
At this point in time I'd have to say no one. I don't feel secure enough in my writing yet. I'd either be a fangirl or I could be susceptible to taking on their traits as a writer, and I need to find my own style and stick with it. However, should I get to that place I'd have over Ray Bradbury, JK Rowling and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. |
Charlaine Harris (man I'm tootin this ladies horn, but she seems nice,) Kim Harrison (she seems like a cool lady,) and probably Chuck Palahniuk (he's an awesome author and seems crazy as hell.) |
13. If you could live in any fictional world what would it be?
Possibly the Stand--and while it isn't pretty, sexy or even fun, the idea of humanity starting over appeals to me. |
Another hard one, but it would probably be Charlaine Harris's world. |
14. What was the last book you read? |
Currently reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. |
I'm currently reading Keri Arthur's Deadly Desire. (The 7th book in the Riley Jenson Guardian Series.) |
15. How did you meet each other? |
I received an email from the CoD--who called herself something else back then. I'd just started writing and created a website that included the first two chapters of my UF book as well as a romance.
Ha! She read the excerpts liked them and emailed me to let me know. I was amazed and jumping up and down. My first fan mail! |
I was surfing the internet and happened to stumble upon a link for Sandra's website, where she had a couple chapters posted. Why I did it I don't know, but I sent her an email asking where she was published through. (And believe me I've never done anything like that before.) And the rest, as they say, is history. |
16. What was your initial impression? |
I think we were a little careful with one another at first--trying to be polite and feeling one another out, but I know I was practically pee pee dancing in my seat in excitement because it seemed like we had so much in common and there was finally someone in the world I could relate to on every level. |
My initial impression was amusement, if you could have seen her response, believe me you would have been amused as well. But after than it was more like a long lost sister. |
17. Do you see yourselves being friends 5 years down the road?
10, 20? |
I see us hanging out in hell (okay maybe purgatory) for eternity. We'll point out hot guys, who could be a werewolf and take turns dissing girls for bad fashion and telling the other one to be nice, but snickering as well. |
I see poor Sandra being stuck with me for eternity. And if the situation were to ever arise that she didn't want me around anymore...well I'm afraid I'm not above stalking. lol |
18. If you could take one trait from the other what would it be? |
I wish I could be as supportive as she is. My first reaction is to be critical but she is always so supportive and patient with me it's insane. |
Her ease at being around people and interacting with them. Sandra is much more the social creature than I am. |
19. If you had to change one thing about the other what would it be? |
I'll try not to give a cheap answer. I wish she lived closer and had better taste in shoes, but seriously...I wish that she would brainstorm for her stories and that she'd write more. She has a tendency to think that nothing is original and can't bring herself to write anything due to that. I want to shake her until it goes away. :) |
I would have to say some of her more Virgo traits. While she strives for an unatainable perfection she tends to hinder herself more than help. |
20. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? |
I wish I could fully open myself up to the world. |
I am the worlds worst procrastinator. I have good intentions but my attention flitters around worse than a butterfly in Busch Gardens. |
21. What do you do when you get nervous? |
My stomach gets upset and sometimes it leads to gas, but normally just a green face. LOL |
I start saying assanine things that really are of no relevance. And once I realize I'm doing it I clam up and usually look like I have an attitude. lol |
22. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? |
Hard question--there are so many! I think I'd want to try everywhere for a year! Can I say Europe? Ha, I'd probably start in Ireland. |
It would have to be somewhere like the Netherlands. Although if I was there already why on earth I would leave a year later I have no idea. |
23. What album(s) is in heavy rotation on your stereo/ipod lately? |
Portishead Live at Roseland NYC is always in rotation but Regina Spektor Begin to Hope has been playing a lot. |
A whole album? That would have to be The Gay Blades album Ghosts. I play the hell out of that thing. |
24. What are you too old to have and/or do but you still have/do it anyway? |
Oh shit, lots of things probably. I look longingly at the juniors section of clothes and at Hot Topic. I occasionally order a happy meal, but not for the toy. I still have a piece of my baby blanket. I see these emo chicks with adorable hair and I wish I had it--this one I may succumb to! |
Probably mess with my hair in wild fashions. My friends and family never know what color its going to be or what length. (I'm just now letting it grow out from a mohawk to give you an example.) |
25. If you were a crayon, what color are you and why? |
Probably a dark purple with a bit of blue in it. Purple can be girly, but it can also be dark and gloomy. |
I'd be one of those funky mixed color ones, because you never know what I'm going to do or say and it will always be what I want, not what someone else wants. |
Looks great CoD... and a table in blogger no less... Brave woman, brave.
Glad you likes, although I must admit the stupid thing took me like three days to post once I did get it done. Tables and blogger are not a good combination it seems. Thank goodness for friends w/ better help links than mine. :)
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