Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rambling on my mind - and other assorted news

Ok so I'm super lame this week. I'm running behind and haven't had the time to write up a blog, so we all know what that means...ramble time!

So lets see, on the news front Sandra and I both entered a first paragraph challenge. Located here for any that are interested in checking out the submissions. Although I will say that its now closed to sub's so don't go getting your hopes up on entering.

Sandra entered the first paragraph for Inevitable which is this...

Static electricity tattooed my skin with sensation and I blocked out the dread that followed. I knew this feeling. Every time I'm about to find something incredible, my body takes over, even when my mind knows it should proceed with caution. The scent in the air changes and my vision narrows to see nothing but the dirt before me. I know what lies beneath the layer of soil will ruin my career, but the smell of pine overrides the trepidation I should've learned well in the rainforest. Nothing makes the single mindedness go away, except to dig my fingers in the ground and ride it out until I discovered what wants to be released from the earth, consequences be damned.

Pretty damn good, right? Now you guys know why I'm her cheerleader. lol

As for myself, I entered the first paragraph of a little diddy that I wrote...

You would think that a person would contemplate their life or even the existence of god before they commit suicide.‭ ‬But standing on a ledge at the top of a‭ ‬twenty-two ‬story building, the only thought on my mind is my coffee pot.‭ ‬It‭’‬s‭ ‬sad really,‭ ‬I‭’‬m getting ready to hurtle my body hundreds of feet towards black asphalt and all that worries me is that I might have left my coffee plugged in.‭ ‬Does it really matter if my house burns down, after I kill myself in the grand scheme of things‭? ‬ No,‭ ‬but it damn sure bothers me right now.‭

Not nearly as cool as what a lot of people have posted, but hey, it was fun. What else can you really ask for? I would also recommend checking out some of the other blog posts on there. Its interesting to see what everyone is looking for in a first paragraph, or even the first chapter. So many different opinions, but voice still seems to be the main one. Something to think about for all you aspiring authors out there.

In other news I'm super excited. My bff supreme (Sandra) is coming to visit for a month! Woo! Of course we have major plans for when she gets here, which will be Tuesday btw. A major one being edits. Is it sad that I'm so excited to break out the red pen? Probably.

But we have it all set up and ready to go. Lots of time to write w/o noise and annoyances and a desk to do it on. Sandra's bringing down her own chair. Now that's dedication. ;)

She has also sufficiently stuffed any attempts I might make on getting her to stay longer or even live here by promising time to her sister after her month here is up. So I'm not very happy about that, but hey, I guess I can't be bff stingy...even if I really, really, really want to. Although I must admit I'm still secretly hoping she'll get here and fall head over heals in love with the place. A girls gotta dream ya know.

And as cheesy as it is, I think I'm gonna call this update done. Horrible of me, I know.

Until next time peeps,


Sandra Tuttle said...

Ooh very cool video. So much work for something that looks fairly simple.

As for the blog... I'm crazy excited to have a whole month too hang out with you. I even look forward to you breaking out the red pen and going to town on my daily writings... yeah we're both sad. LOL

CoD said...

Yeah there is a lot of work that goes into comics. Most people don't realize how much. One of the reasons I dork out and love them as much as I do. lol

It'll be crazy fun, sad or no.