Thursday, August 27, 2009

5 Super Simple Marketing Ideas

So you’ve written the worlds greatest novel, only nobody knows you exist, what do you do next? I’m not even going to get into how to go about getting published, or hooking that fabulous agent you’ve been eyeballing, but we will discuss some interesting ways to grab the attention of some potential readers. Small things you do in your marketing campaign can make a huge difference. And just as I really do believe there is no such thing as bad press, a similar analogy for novels is there is no such thing as to much marketing. With so many excellent authors out there you really do need to stand out, even before you get that novel published, a developed fan base is a good thing. Here are five simple ways, free I might add, to do so...

1. A website. Yes you can go and pay for that nifty domain name that will forever be personalized with that perfect name, well, at least as long as you pay for it; but its really not needed at first. There are a number of free ones out there, just do a quick Google search if you don’t believe me, I guarantee you’ll get about a million results. Not to mention a lot of times your ISP will provide a free website as does the mega-company Google. It doesn’t have to be pretty at first, but some basic knowledge of you and your current work is a must. All the pretty fluff can come later. And there are quite a few generators, tutorials, and template makers out there to help add said fluff if your not very html savvy. Again, Google is your friend. An example of a simple yet effective author website...

2. A blog. You have to keep in mind that in today's age, there is no privacy. If you want to be the next big thing, you better get used to it. The best you can hope to do is throw out some info to satisfy people on the inner you. Now I’m not saying we need to hear all about what color underwear you chose for the day, but a short note on the horrors you experienced at the grocery store, or the old creepy guy that winked at the street corner are not only amusing but they hook people. They are delving into your life as an escape from theirs, provide entertainment. An excellent example of this is Daisy Dexter Dobb’s blog here... (And sorry for fronting you out here Daisy.) Strictly speaking from a marketing standpoint, the woman is a genius. She’s quirky, intelligent and just generally likable, but most importantly she is a born entertainer. You can’t read a single blog without a snicker or two or sympathizing with her.
Not only does blogging provide ways to entertain though, but it also gives the reader a chance to see how you write. Just imagine, if you can hook them with a small blog, shorter than the smallest short story, how much they will love your book!
Make sure and link to your blog from your new nifty website and vice verse, give people an easy route to get back and forth. A good general rule is that if people have to digg for something they aren’t going to bother, do it for them. Remember, you need them, they don’t necessarily need you.
The last thing I will say about blogging, since this example has taken so much space, is to make sure you comment. Comment everywhere. Although I will point out, don’t spam. Nothing is more annoying than reading their favorite blog only to see that someone has come in and posted a comment self promoting themselves and listing link after link. There isn’t a need for that. Find similar authors or just blogs you personally enjoy. Read them and provide an intelligent response accordingly. Don’t flaunt yourself. If people enjoy your comment or it makes them curious, they will click to see your profile, which will of course have a link to your blog or website that you have provided. It also makes the author of the blog you commented on appreciative, and perhaps you’ll even establish a relationship, of some form, with them over time.
Blogger seems to be the most popular with Wordpress and Live Journal following closely behind, although there are others out there.

3. Tweet little birdy, tweet. The worlds newest obsession. Or mundane blogging in short form, as I like to call it. Let people know what your doing, share a link to that highly amusing picture or website you just found. Its all another form of entertainment. Plus people really seem to care what goes on in someone’s life. They want to share in those moments of happiness or annoyance with you. There are also several authors out there already tweeting, your bound to find a few of your favorites if you look. And whose to say that it won’t be beneficial to you as a writer as well? Maybe you’ll read another authors tweet and realize what a fabulous idea it is. Tips here and there are always helpful, especially when your just starting out. An example of an author on twitter...
And again make sure you provide links to your twitter account on your blog and website.

4. While we’re tweeting, how about tweeting as some of your characters? Or blogging as one? It doesn’t necessarily have to be you and your daily life that draws people in, let your characters speak for themselves! And while it may be harder to interact as a character and not give away anything in your book, it can be done. Just think about what your character would do or say in any given situation, it gets easier as people tweet or comment back. A couple examples of characters tweeting... or

5. And last, but certainly not least, take advantage of the social networks. The two biggest, of course, are Myspace and Facebook and if you haven’t heard of them, you are probably living under a rock somewhere. Same concept goes for them as with the other suggestions. Great places to find friends, fans and other authors to connect with, and does a great job of getting your name out there.

There you have it, five super easy and free ways to get yourself out there and noticed. Most of you probably already know these, but if not, I hope I was of some help. Since this blog turned out a lot longer than I anticipated it being, I think we’ll call it done.

Until next time peeps, Doom On!

The video today goes out in honor of Sandra Tuttle, who is now officially 29. Swing by and wish her a happy, Happy if you get time. But until then, enjoy this vid of Sandra’s man meat of choice...


Sandra Tuttle said...

CoD: Great blog as usual! Very informative and wonderful ideas--not to mention budget friendly. But I will say this--they are easy to implement--but maintaining them can be a bitch--thus my sporadic blogging sometimes. I hope other authors have better "discipline."

Hmm, speaking of discipline, perhaps we should get to the video at the bottom...

Okay it's freaking hilarious, even if it is making fun of the pure hot man meat that is Trent Reznor.

If he met me, I could totally make his life easier. I'd swing his shirt around and spank his ass for him. And really... who can ask for more than that?

CoD said...

Thank you, glad you liked. As for maintaining them, well, yeah that can be a pain. Maybe I should have added they need an assistant or cheerleader of their own to help out during those hectic times. lol

Ah the video, I'm very happy to see that you found it as funny as I did and didn't attempt to kill me for my "sacrilege." lmao


Sandra Tuttle said...

I may be a pain in the ass and have different taste in men, but my sense of humor is quite close to yours in all its fucked up-ness.

I have your next blog: How to trap your best friends in being not only your minions, your muses and your whipcracker.

CoD said...

lmao. Sounds like a blog more for you than for me. ;)


Sandra Tuttle said...

But but but... you're supposed to do my bidding.

CoD said...

ROFLMAO Yeah right.

Sandra Tuttle said...

;) Worth a shot.

Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

Wow CoD, here it's almost April of 2011 and I just happened to see this post of yours from 2009 in a Google search this afternoon!

I had to stop by to thank you! I really appreciate your kind words about my blog and my writing. :)